Jochen Luksch, Partner und Verhandlungsexperte bei Egger Philips, lächelt in die Kamera. Er trägt einen blauen Anzug.

Urs Kohler

Associate Consultant

T +41 44 218 60 10

Competencies and experience

  • International negotiation consultant since 1992
  • Training, coaching and consulting with more than 10,000 executive managers worldwide
  • Negotiation experience as the head of a profit-center and as the founder/CEO of own company
  • Wide experience in various industries working as a change-agent and business consultant
  • Coaching of management / negotiation teams before/during difficult negotiations


  • Lecturer for universities and universities of applied sciences
  • Qualification as Mediator and Mediation-Practice
  • Qualification as systemic coach and change-agent
  • Swiss Matura Diploma and Degree as Business Economist HW, Zurich

German (native), English and French